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Jessie's boy

So, there is this song, "Jessie's girl", I don't know if you know this song, so you can check it here with full lyrics (Glee's version because I like it more) >> [link] << aaaandddd while listening to this song I thought that would be awesome to make a "Jessie's boy" version. SO HERE IT IS ASFDSASAFDSA :iconfabulousplz:

I have the idea for next pages to illustrate the whole song, but you know, I'm lazy as fuck :iconmingplz: and it was a little warm up after getting back from the hospital, I have to get back to form with my photoshop skills because now it's pretty shitty LOL and the main character's name is Rick as a tribute to the author of this song, Rick Springfield I'm not sure if he would like to have this kind of tribute LOL~

Enjoy :iconyeahplz:


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What a big baby.

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